Wednesday, October 8, 2008

These prices are insane!!!!

Welcome my friends to the bear market that never ends. Today, Pakistan and Iceland are on the verge of bankruptcy as per the wires. The Nikkei fell close to ten percent. Interesting fact: even though money is cheap for banks to lend, the yield curve is too flat for the banks to make money. So the banks are all dressed up and no place to go. It is almost heads you lose, tails, I don't win.

Maybe we should swap Xmas and Halloween, because retail sales are going to be scary. Rio-the stock not the company-is down in the teens from the forties just since Feb; and they are a hard asset company.Who owns the Trojan brand? People are not going to stop humping, and can't afford a kid in this economy, so I see a play there. Their vibrating condom is also a winner...or so I hear.

It is telling that oil is down below 90, yet we are still significantly over $3 a gallon for gas. And they are still selling those bullshit 1.5L containers of ice cream for the price of a half gallon. I like BJ's-no you perverts the warehouse store-because you can hedge toilet paper and tuna fish. Oh well, looks like I will be spendingmore money in BJ's than on...