Saturday, September 20, 2008

Good morning suckers...

My name is Maurice; and I am a sucker. I pay my bills, and when I had a mortgage, I paid it on time. But now I see that our government never valued people like me; instead, it values "risk takers". And now, by adding another $700 billion to "buy bad loans", they are showing me that good guys do indeed finish last.

Let's see, my jackass neighbor will get to stay in his house, despite the fact that he never pays his bills, and put down nothing for his house. Of course, my taxes will go up, because my income comes from work, not from dividends. Oh yeah, I also get screwed, because the money I have managed to save, has just been devalued by the government printing money (anyone see the rise in the price of oil and the price of the Euro lately?)

Guess what? The talking heads are now saying we cannot afford a "middle class tax cut"; yet they are not pulling back on ending the Bush tax cuts.

I am going to take my twelve step program for economic suckerism. The first step is acknowledging that I am a sucker. The second is acknowledging that there are things the government will now do to me that I cannot control. My third is accepting that I am a peon in the larger economic scheme...Oh screw it, I am going to buy a bigger HDTV and get "No Money Down, No Payments Till 2012" financing. My days of being a sucker are over.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How to ruin governments and eviscerate people

When an entity truly hates people, one should not be surprised at the extent said entity will go to cause mayhem. We have seen it before, in examples as small as the jilted lover who says "If I can't have him/her nobody will", to Sadaam Hussein setting the Kuwaiti oilwells on fire in GW1. What we are seeing now in our society is an organized hated of a segment of our population, and the attempt to ruin it, regardless of the collateral damage. And if you do not believe that the folks behind this will not create collateral damage, just ask the families of the 4000+ dead, and the thousands of injured and raped soldiers of the current war.

The problem with a democracy, if you are part of the organized effort, is that it is democratic. In a sense, anyone with a vote, no matter how stupid, or radical thinking, pretty much cancels your vote. And now, knowledge is not monopolized, making the old saw "knowledge is power" a little different. So how do you control a government? You cripple its ability to function. And a government cannot function without money or resources. Of course, you gotta protect your "base". How do you do that? You decrease the amount that they have to render unto Caesar. Once that is done, you ruin the economy. Now your boys have gotten out with enough to keep them comfortable, and they are able to keep more of what they plundered, and you mop up the idiot sons who did not have enough sense to get out with "bridge loans".

But wait, what about the little guy and gal, who like a squirrel, was just trying to get a nut. SCREW THEM!!!! They did not buy into the system of government we tried to feed them, so let them suffer. Hey we never cared about them before now, so we will not lose any sleep going forward. Just to show you how ruthless we can be, we will have the First Chick wear $300, 000 worth of swag to the coronation just to make a point. You guys are little people, and as the dearly departed Leona Hemsley said before she willed $12 million to her dog, "The little people pay taxes".

Poor you. You expect to have good schools and clean water and safe streets. Well we can't afford it now. We need to protect ourselves from the "terrorist threat" and "shore up our economy". We all have to make sacrifices; Muffy and I are using the jet to get to the yatch less and less. Just think about how we are suffering.

And so it starts. Now that your pension fund is screwed, we should privatize Social Security to give you a better chance of getting even. And funding for schools will have to go down. And the potholes on the Interstate? Well you can't afford gas for the SUV you can't sell, so don't worry about it. For those of you who read my "Big Trends of 2008" letter, you know what I am talking about. The transfer from people to government and from domestic to foreign has begun. The desire to create a smaller government has started in earnest, and we may not have a way back, because even if we vote the bums out, the mess is neutron bomb like.

You have to hand it to them; their plan worked perfectly.

Halloween comes early this year

I bet the big sellers for masks this year will be those of Hank Paulson, Dick Fuld, and Ben Bernanke. And people will decorate their houses with bonds of Fannie and Lehman.

Folks sit down if you are reading this: this fiasco will cost our government at least $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS to correct. Do the math: $200 billion for Fannie and Freddie as a start; $85 billion for AIG as a start; $30+billion for Bear; at least $75 billion for Citibank in two to three weeks: and about $125 billion for the lesser known banks like bumfuck trust in Media, Pa. And that is for starters.

But do not despair, there is some hedge fund guy out there getting his knob polished because he made a tremendous contraian bet. I think it was Paul Tudor Jones who made about $2 billion dollars in one year betting against subprime. There is a guy out there who had a huge bet against Fannie and Freddie months ago. I find it interesting that folks can not be both negative and positive about stocks, i.e. both go short and go long, depending on the situation. Did anyone think that oil could stay over $130-140? Goldman did, but when little old ladies who only drive on Sundays bitch about gas prices, they have gotten too high. When Google goes to $650, yet advertisers are pulling back ad dollars in tv, radio, and print, can it still go to $750? If Dell is selling computers on Ubid and Ebay, can their business really be that good( the drop in share price from $26 to $16 in the last three months says NO).

Remember my friends, be like David Carradine in Kung Fu: maintain balance depending on the circumstance. Or be like Marcellus Wallace and go medieval on a mofo when you get f''ed in the butt by the market. Just don't let your candy get taken and your house egged...